12 Glorious Worksheets that you can fill in together with your-true-self (to positively-encourage-yourself even when others are not.)
Over 3 weeks, you will receive 4 types of worksheets each week:
1. An Art Poster containing the encouraging thought of the week. You can play with this poster by coloring it in and putting it up as a visual reminder to positively-encourage-yourself during the week.2. A Table for you to fill in your own objectionable thoughts related to the encouraging thought of the week - so you can deal with your inner-demons face-to-face (not just in your head). Also includes our personal examples of how we deal with our own resistant-thoughts.
3. Instructions to a short-activity that you can easily use to encourage yourself within 10 minutes – we'll do these activities together with you in the videos.
4. Lyrics to the positive-self-encouraging song of the week – so you can sing along with us during the videos.
9 Videos where we act as your guide and take you through the worksheets.
For three weeks, you will receive 3 types of videos each week:
1. Introduction Video to the positive-encouraging-thought of the week – we share our personal stories of (1) what was happening before this encouraging thought appeared, (2) how we use this positive-self-encouraging thought in our life, (3) how our lives have changed after we became friends wih this positive-self-encouraging thought.
2. Handling of Objections Video where we demonstrate how we deal with our personal objections to the encouraging thought, so you get a good idea of how it's done, and can do it for yourself too.
3. Activity + Celebrations Video where we read out the instructions to the activity of the week and do them together with you. We close by celebrating your journey together with you (get ready for your surprise)!
Click here to read 'The Objectives of this positive-self-Encouragement kit'
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